
Welcome to the Dave Daugherty Memorial Open Scholarship Tournament Page! You can find information regarding the tournment including registration and contact information. Sponsorship opportunities exist for those who are interested in participating. You can also view photos from previous tournaments.

History of the Tournament

The Daugherty Open began in 1997 after the passing of Dave Daugherty. Dave was an avid golfer, and friends of Dave wanted to honor his memory and friendship by creating a tournament that would assist a high school graduate with financial aid for college. Thus, the tournament and the Dave Daugherty Craftsmanship Scholarship Fund began.

Through the efforts of John Daniels and Don Laveris, the tournament has been held for over ten years. In the tenth year of the tournament, Dave's son, Patrick, began to assist the men in the organization and implementation, and he took over the organization of the event completely for the eleventh year.

The course for the event has changed several times over the years. It began at Beechwood Golf Course. It has also been held at Homestead Golf Course. Kitty Hawk Golf Course hosted the event for the 2008 tournament.

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